Goals For Productivity

Your Best Productivity Hack

Do you ever feel that you could have done more? May be completed some more tasks or written more words. Does it make you feel a little incomplete? Well, this doesn’t have to feel this way. You can easily do your work fulfilled and can feel satisfied with what you actually accomplished. All this just take some cool productivity hacks to get you reach there.

Set 3 top important tasks for every morning

Each morning you can easily take your time to prioritize top 3 tasks for your day. Just be clear about it what you have written and use at least a 4-word description. For example sites like worldstar , Instead of this, use “review and compare charges of malls x, y or z. This will definitely prevent your time from drifting to some semi related tasks which don’t accomplish anything.

Using the intention

Using the intention is the newest hack that is just discovered. Before you start a task just set an intention to do it. Like you do before doing prayer. It will help you immensely to focus on the task and most important it will break off any distractions at no time.